Tuesday, August 19, 2008

2008 Olympics

I know that the Olympics is about building international relations and the spirit of friendship, solidarity, mutual understanding, and all that jazz. But it's also about squashing the competition! It's about hearing the "Star Spangled Banner" after as many events as possible! It's about sticking it to the French, the Russians, and the...the Chinese.

Well, for the most part our athletes have done their share of squashing. But the medal count says we're not sticking it to the Chinese. The United States is currently ahead in total medals, but the Chinese have nearly twice as many gold medals. That really erked me at first. But then I looked into what events the Chinese were winning.

The Chinese have almost all their medals in:
Badminton--Oh no, how could our mighty badminton players have been beaten?!
Gymnastics--Cheaters! And somebody got to the judges.
Weightlifting--What good does that do if you can't run?
Shooting--Okay, this one scares me a little.

The United States, on the other hand, is tearing it up in the respectable events:

Track and field
Gymnastics--without cheating or coercing the judges

So China, you can have your Badminton players. We'll be welcoming home the likes of Michael Phelps, Nastia Liukin, and Lebron James.


celeste said...

Yea, the Chinese are big cheaters! Even though I really dislike them, I have to give them props on their diving. Without cheating and bribing judges, they are good divers.

Jen R. said...

ha ha ha this is awesome. I didn't look into what sports they had all these golds in. I feel a little better about it now.

Rebekah said...

Michael Phelps brings tears to my eyes whenever I see his face. (actually, so do the visa commercials.) I decided I would root for anyone who could do what he does, but that I'm really glad he's American.

Jacob Romney said...

It's the Geiko gecko that brings tears to my eyes. That little guy is a trooper.