Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Current River Trip

I'm not a big fan of the "family blogs." You know. The ones that are named something like "Jane and John," or "the Smiths." Then they just tell you about trivial, insignificant, BORING events in their lives.

"Little Joey got his first tooth today! Yeah."

"Sam went in the big boy toilet today. We are so proud."

"I spent all day painting the guest room. It's going to be a beautiful shade of egg shell white."

"I had Cheerios for breakfast today. Jim doesn't like Cheerios very much so he had Frosted Mini Wheats. Todd must be taking after my side because he prefers Cheerios."

Who cares? Your mom and sisters? BFF? If so, you can tell them that stuff on the PHONE!

That said, I'm going to post some pictures and videos of our canoe trip. My excuse: When I tell people that I might move to Missouri they look at me with a disgusted, confused look on their face. Missouri?!? Yeah, Missouri! Check it out.

Here's a good overall view of what the river looked like. It blows my mind how green everything is in Missouri.

We explored this little cave spring.

This picture was taken from outside the water. It was so clear you could see all the way to the bottom except where it got really deep. There were fish and turtles everywhere. We saw a water snake, too.

In the morning there was a mist coming off the water. After living in Utah and Idaho for so long, it was refreshing to jump into water that was cold enough to cool you down without freezing the blood in your veins.

Occasionally, we took a break to swim, jump off a cliff, or swing on a rope swing.

Not bad for a guy who's deathly afraid of heights, eh?

Birds were everywhere. This heron flew right over the top of Rebekah and Mary.


Rebekah said...

for the sake of missouri, i stand by this family post as well

Tyler said...

Missouri? Why would you want to move and live in Missouri?

Travieso said...

"Are you kidding me? I just told you....." It is pretty here...right now. Wait a few months though, when the state is as butt ugly as any other place I've been besides southern Wyoming. Looks like fun, though! I'm jealous. You guys should have paintball guns in those boats. Then it would get REAL interesting.

Jen R. said...

too bad we didn't go

miles said...

In the fall things get even more pretty. The leaves start changing colors and everything is red, orange, and yellow. Then, yes, for about 3 months things aren't as pretty. But at least Missouri gets 9 months out of the year. Can't beat that unless you move to Hawaii. And then you have to pay a million dollars for a shack. And you don't get to experience the 4 seasons.

Jacob Romney said...

I've tried to tell everyone here in Provo how awesome Missouri is. First I have to convince them there is indeed a world outside of Utah. Someone looked at me all aghast when I said I'd like to move to Missouri. I said it's beautiful there and they said when they thought of Missouri they pictured dirt. What is wrong with people?