Monday, May 24, 2010

Free At Last

Previously, on 24... I invested a lot of time in a silly show. As of approximately 18 minutes ago, it ended and I breathed a sigh of relief.

After viewing the series finalies of the only two shows that I have faithfully watched over the past few years (24 and Lost), I am liberated. I will now have an extra 2 hours of free time every week. What will I do with my time?

I don't know. Let's see what's on TV.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Would somebody PLEASE teach Lady Gaga how to turn off her phone!
The best solution is often the simplest one.

Maybe she doesn't know how because she sips too much of that bub.

My TELephone...
My TELephone...

Thursday, May 6, 2010

National Day of Prayer

I don't understand all the uproar over the "National Day of Prayer." Emotions are running high on both sides. Evangelists think they are being robbed of "an opportunity to pray voluntarily according to their own faith." Atheists think their civil rights are being trampled by a nation that refuses to recognize the constitutional seperation of church and state.

What purpose does the National Day of Prayer serve? Does it open any channels of communication with God that aren't already open? Shouldn't every day be a day of prayer? That's like having a National Day of Breathing. It doesn't provide any additional opportunities to speak with God.

And then there are the opponents. Who takes up the cause against prayer? If you are an atheist, why does it even bother you? If you don't believe in prayer, then you don't need to worry about it! And you must be terribly naive, and a very poor historian to think that the founding fathers had a prayerless nation in mind when they composed the constitution.

I don't really understand the need for a National Day of Prayer. But it disappoints me that there are Americans who so passionately and vocally oppose prayer.

If someone were to propose to me that we have a National Day of Prayer, I would have said, "Why?"

But to those who have taken up the cause of abolishing the National Day of Prayer I say, "Why!?!"