Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Police Sketches and Witness Descriptions

I don't know how police sketches ever help. I would never be able to identify someone from one of those sketches. (Unless the rapist is the news anchor and it pops up right next to him.) And I don't know how witness descriptions ever help. I always hear something on the news like, "Police are looking for a white man in his twenties, between 5'6" and 6' tall, wearing a white T-shirt." Are you serious? That could be me! I guess if it happened in Pocatello and they were looking for a black man it might me helpful. Anyway...I had to find an excuse to put this photo on my blog.


Rebekah said...

ha ha - you know what my favorite thing is the world is that makes fun of newscasters? the SNL skit where they're flirting with each other. i love it. now every time i watch the news i think they're flirting with each other. even the olympic anchors...maybe especially the olympic anchors

Dave said...

In response to Rebekah's comment concerning the olympic anchors...what is up with Tiki Barber? He should have stuck with football!