Thursday, June 25, 2009

Chicks and Bikes: Results and Analysis

After an overwhelming turnout of more than 7 votes, the results are in. It turns out that most readers of City Fathers either think that girls who ride motorcycles are awesome or that they're lesbians. (Or I suppose they could be awesome lesbians.) And since I know for a fact that Celeste is not a lesbian (ni me deja dormir!), I have come to the conclusion, by process of elimination, that she will be awesome if she rides motorcycles. Although 25% (2 of you) predicted that she won't ever ride a motorcycle.


Tyler said...

I was that 25%!!!!

celeste said...

Hey, you never know. I just had a dream last night that I rode a bullet bike, and I must say it was a lot of fun in my dream, and I was quite good at it. I just need to learn on a crappy bike so that I won't always be so scared that I'm going to hurt it.

Jacob Romney said...

I tried to vote more than once, but I couldn't figure it out.

NanRomn said...

I used to have a motorcycle license. I have also gone over 100 mph on a motorcycle on a city street. No brag -- just fact.