Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Cupid's Sense of Humor

Cupid, the Roman god of erotic love and beauty, wasn't always a pudgy baby. He started out as the Greek sex symbol, Eros. Eros actually had two different types of arrows. The first type was the one we're all familiar with--the type that made you fall in love. The second type, however, made you hate the first person you saw.

The fact that Cupid has a sense of humor is made evident by the story in which he shoots the god Apollo with a love arrow so he falls head over heels in love with a nymph. Cupid then shoots the nymph with a hate arrow. So lovesick Apollo chases the nymph around in a scene straight from a Pepe le Pew cartoon.

Another proof of Cupid's sense of humor is tiny men who marry giant women and then try to put their arms around them at church.


Rebekah said...

ha ha - ok we saw one of those weirdo couples in DC. i thought it was very appropriate that i was in a museum when i saw them because a museum is where you go to look at things that you don't see in every-day life, i.e. dinosaurs, ancient sea animals, pictures of the first ladies, etc. and then i got to see a very short small boy holding hands with a very tall and large girl. ask megan. it's true

Jen R. said...

ha ha ha you're on a blogging roll. I like it. there was a really stupid show on I saw one time...seriously I only watched it once, called valentine and it had all the gods in modern time...and eros was one of them...but instead of a bow and arrow he now had a gun that did the same thing...but his mother aphrodite, I think..., took it away from him, cause he was abusing his toy. They were supposed to save peoples love lives and stuff...it was really stupid.