Monday, February 16, 2009

Lorenzo v. 2.0 and 3.0

Don't worry. I'm not turning this into one of those family blogs. (Not that there's anything wrong with that...) But as a proud, new father, I can't help but introduce you to my son, Lorenzo the Third. I'd publish a picture of his mother, but after 10.5 hours of labor and 1.5 hours of giving it everything she had, she forbade it.


Rebekah said...


miles said...

is a girl's name.

Craig and Sarah Severinsen said...

I love how you're in the hospital bed... which implies that after 10.5 hours of labor YOU are the one laying down. Haha! Congrats.

miles said...

I was hoping no one would make that realization.

Jen R. said...

Congrats! He is gorgeous. And I was going to ask why you're in the bed too. And hopefully rebekah will never call him laurie because that sucks big time...

NanRomn said...

I love this photo! Tell Celeste it took 19 1/2 hours of labor to bring you into this world. Just want to be appreciated.....

Dave said...

congratulations--we need to come visit you guys sometime.

Travieso said...

Holy crap! Here I been going about my merry life, and for at least 4 days you've been a dad. Scary thought. I wonder if he'll share your love for very small motorcycles and snow football or your fear of uneven ground? I am excited to see. Way to go Celeste, we are all proud of you! I'll give you three some time to spend together and then give you a call sometime.

How's the sleep coming?