Thursday, November 27, 2008

Yeah, Right, Lisa. A Wonderful, Magical Animal.

Do any of us actually stop and think, before we eat Thanksgiving dinner, that this turkey was once a living, breathing creature?  How about before we sink our teeth into that burger?  And why is it that some of us find the idea of eating a cow's buttocks so much more appealing than eating its tongue?  Why is it okay to eat a slimy fish that you caught at the lake but not a cat?  

On a separate topic, I think that the vegan diet is a result of too many city people with nothing to do thinking too much.  You would think more exposure to the actual event of killing an animal for food would make people less likely to eat that animal, but farmers don't seem to have any trouble ringing a chicken's neck, ripping out all its guts, pulling off all its feathers, roasting it in an oven, and then savoring every bite.  No, I think it's because the ignorant city folk feel betrayed.  They grow up with cute stuffed cows, cow decorations, and cow cartoon characters.  When it finally dawns on them that they are eating Betsy every time they go to Burger King, they get upset.  If they were around the cows like the farmers, ranchers, and dairy workers who slaughter them, they would realize what disgusting and stupid animals they are.  Then they would have no objections.  

"Liiiisaaa! Don't eeeeat me!"


Tyler said...

You mean to tell me that you're never going to eat ham again? What about bacon? Pork chops?

Elder James Romney said...

I honestly don't get how people have a problem with eating a cow. It's delicious.

Tyler said...

"I like the sound/smell of crackling bacon in the morning, and seeing how I don't have a butler to make me some every night before I go to bed I lay six strips of bacon out on my George Forman grill. In the morning when my alarm goes I plug in my grill and go back to sleep. Then, when I wake up again I wake up to the smell of bacon. It's delicious, it's good for me, so sue me! Well this morning I forgot about the grill, stepped on it, and it clamped shut on my foot."

Jacob Romney said...

You just inspired a blog idea with this post.