Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Mailman Steve

I propose we build a memorial for "Mailman Steve" Padgett.  He's not dead yet, but he's got diabetes and heart disease so we'd better get started.

Mailman Steve worked for the U.S. Postal Service and stopped delivering junk mail in 1999.  And guess what...  Nobody complained!

Unfortunately, a utility worker (let's lynch him!) turned in our hero.  His customers, of course, were not upset with him when they were informed of his "crime."  But he was given a $3000 fine, 500 hours of community service, and three years probation.

If everyone who hates junk mail would send Mailman Steve a quarter, we could make him a rich man!  Way to go Steve!


Jacob Romney said...

Good old Steve

Rebekah said...

hello newman

Elder James Romney said...

To (insert strong word here) with a quarter! Send him a gold nugget!

Rebekah said...

your blog sucks now. put something new up

miles said...

I've been busy, jerk.