Thursday, October 23, 2008

Over-Protective Mothers

I have met a lot of fat, little boys (we'll call them fattle boys) with over-protective mothers.

"Oh, Tommy, stay indoors. You'll catch a cold."

"Oh, Julian, football is too dangerous."

"No BB guns. You'll shoot your eye out."

"I don't want you rough-housing with those boys."

Anything healthy and active that little boys enjoy doing seems like a bad idea to protective mothers. If wrestling, contact sports, snowball fights, BB guns, exploring, playing outside in the rain, and every other activity is banned, the boy turns into a sedentery wuss! And he's all set up to get eaten alive by his peers as soon as he's out of mommy's sight.

What are you worried about, overprotective mothers? A broken bone? A cold? Then let me pose the question: Which is more devastating: broken bones and colds (which are actually not caused by being exposed to the cold) or cardiovascular disease and psychiatric problems?

So, for Heaven's sake, let your boys go outside and rough house!


celeste said...

I'll try to not be too overprotective.

Rebekah said...

sedentery, sedimentary, seminary, samsonite

NanRomn said...

I used to send you outside to play in the rain in your bathing suits -- of course it was 105 degrees outside!

Jacob Romney said...

The way things are now the kids won't go outside anyway. You remember PCS? We had kids cry when it was time to play outside. They only got to go out a couple hours a week! They should have been praying for that time to come.