Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Barack Hood or Robbin' Obama?

Obama is planning to rob from the rich and give to the poor. Is he a hero or a villain?

I guess we'll find out over the next four years.

From what I have seen, he's planning on implementing policies that penalize hard work and responsibility. For example, if everyone "regardless of their health status or history" has access to health insurance with so-called "fair and stable premiums," that means those of us who exercise regularly, seek out preventative care, avoid risky behavior, and abstain from smoking or drinking will pay higher premiums to pay for the extremely expensive healthcare of those who...don't. Either that or we'll pay higher taxes so the government can pay those premiums. So far, not very heroic.


Jacob Romney said...
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Elder James Romney said...

Blue lips, huh? You actually payed attention to Dad.

I completely agree that Obamanation would be a horrible president, but if he makes it in, I'll push all of my family to move to the UK.

miles said...

Sometimes I wonder about you, Jacob.

Jen R. said...

Jacob's comment concerned me too.

Travieso said...

I'm not sure when the idea that the rich and the better-off are evil crept into our collective psyche, but it's funny how willing these guys are to reach into the pockets of the hardest working Americans. It's not the single mother with 6 kids from different fathers that makes this economy work, but that's who will be catered to for the next four years. Too bad we couldn't have picked someone that could articulate conservative principles better than my mom. Frustration, grrrr.... welcome to socialist USA, folks.