Friday, May 30, 2008

It's Not a Habit, It's Cool, I Feel Alive

This week I got a break from school. With gas prices how they've been and a wife that still had to work, I was stuck in Pocatello. So I renewed my subscription to xbox live so I could finally enjoy the Call of Duty 4 multiplayer experience. My intentions were to get my fill of xbox so I wouldn't be tempted to waste time playing video games when school started back up. A variation of aversion therapy. If I played too much, I'd get sick of it.


I might as well have given a crackhead a bag of coke and said, "Here, snort this whole bag and then next week you won't want to snort crack anymore."

My neck is stiff, my left thumb has a blister, my eyes are blurry, and my head is pounding. And all I can think about is getting back online, getting out my G3 assault rifle, and capping some terrorists.

"Just a few more kills and I'll make gunnery seargent," I think. "Just a few more headshots and I'll unlock a new sight for my gun. Just a few more wins and I'll make 1st Lieutenant." It's endless.


My name is Miles, and I'm addicted to video games.


Rebekah said...

K's Choice: I love that song!! I always have and I can't believe you remember it. It's one of those songs that everyone knows the words to but no one has any idea who sings it. I actually purchased it off i tunes about a year ago and have placed it on my theme cd. Not that I'm addicted to anything, but I think it counts as a theme song for other reasons. I'll blog about that...

Jacob Romney said...

I still haven't played Call of Duty 4 online.