Thursday, April 10, 2008

Poll Results

Congratulations to Rebekah, winner of the Coolest Romney Sibling poll. While the validity of the methods used in the survey can be debated, I concede the vote. Apparently, she is 10% cooler than me despite a mass email soliciting votes from the 49 other students in the PA program.

Rebekah did not approve of the first photos I posted of her:

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

I don't know exactly what to say. I'm just so thankful for this great honor and prestigious award. I have so many people to thank who helped me get this far. First, I want to thank my high school experience for helping me get started on my track to immense popularity. Next, I would like to thank all the boys who ever had crushes on me, for boosting my self-esteem and letting me know I could, one day, reach my goals of winning this poll. And last, I want to thank Nature and genetics for making me so damn pretty.
Right now, I just feel very undeserving and humbled by your obvious admiration and respect. It's not an easy thing to win such an award. I mean, Miles is obviously such a great guy for conceding the prize with such dignity and grace. He put up a good fight. His wife Celeste has stood by him through all of the voting, which must have been really hard for her to watch. Jared and Jen weren't even close, but I think we all know they're wonderful and caring people. As for the rest of my siblings, I just want everyone to know how special they are to me and how much it means to them to be related to a person like me who can win a poll like this. And I want them to know that some of the coolness I exude must have rubbed off on them, if by nothing more than formative proximity. It's been a hard race, and I just want to thank my fans and my friends for all their love and support. We'll see you next year at the polls!