Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Greatest Video Games of All Time

At the risk of angering a lot of nerds and alienating myself from some brothers that are passionate about their games, I'm going to list my own version of the top 10 video games EVER. Most of them have sequels or are sequels, so I'm not necessarily referring to the original, but to the entire series. Now, when I say "Greatest Games of All Time" I mean the 10 games that I would still enjoy playing--not games that were the best when they came out.

10. The Legend of Zelda. This game was such a great adventure. I only like the original, though. It gets really tedious having to try to use every object on every square inch of the game in the newer ones. Why would I use a magical bean on the old tree in the graveyard? Lame.

9. X-Wing/TIE Fighter. It might have a lot to do with nostalgia, but I have very fond memories of making single-handed assaults on star destroyers and hunting down TIE interceptors on the old Lucasarts starfighter simulator.

8. Super Smash Bros. Okay, the truth is that I have not logged many hours playing this game and I am not very good. But it's got so much potential that it made my list. It allows for 4 players to duke it out in a chaotic battle. I wish I could find that game for my old N64.

7. Mortal Kombat. Street Fighter fans can kiss my butt. Mortal Kombat entered the fighting game scene and gone were the days of just pushing buttons as quickly and randomly as possible. Finally we had a game that required strategy and anticipation instead of just quick fingers.

6. Warcraft/Starcraft. I was introduced to the wonderful world of real-time games when my brother came home with the original Warcraft. I have seen more than one good student's academic career destroyed by the addictive power of Starcraft, and I have to admit that I've spent a few classes playing it, too.

5. Civilization. Greatest strategy series of all time. Never has a 1 player game kept my attention for so long. Every turn I feel that I'm on the verge of another important breakthrough on my journey to conquering the world.

4. Halo. Everyone knows all about Halo. Halo 3, the latest in the series, was not a disappointment.

3. Call of Duty. Call of Duty 4 has all but perfected the first-person shooter. Multiplayer battles take place in extremely realistic battlegrounds that allow for plenty of strategy and creativity. Like any shooter game, the controls take some getting used to, but with some coaxing and coaching my wife is getting to be quite a competitor.

2. Mariokart. I have had more fun, by far, playing Mariokart 64 than any other game. The controls are simple and still allow for a lot of freedom. Battle mode requires skill, strategy, creativity, and concentration. There's just enough luck involved so that people don't take it too seriously and get mad when they lose. Best of all, it is the gateway game to get girls to play video games.

1. Snow Football. Okay, this game hasn't been invented yet, but it's in my head. I played it in a dream once and it was AWESOME!

You will probably notice that certain popular games are missing from my list. Here are some game genres that I refuse to put in the top 10 games.

Any game that requires tons of concentration but no thinking (Tetris, Dr. Mario, Guitar Hero, pretty much any arcade game from the 80s). Mind numbing.

RPGs. I HATE RPGs because they are STUPID! "I'm gonna use my potion on this creature and take away 5 life points." Give me a break. I haven't tried the MMORPGs like WOW, so I don't know what I think of those.

Platform games. So you saved another princess. So what? Now you'll never enjoy playing that game again. But some platform games deserve an honorable mention because they were fun for a while. (Mario Bros, Sonic the Hedgehog, Double Dragon III, Super Contra)

Sports games. I like the sports games a lot, but most of them only allow 2 players and there is too much luck involved. For example, either the receiver catches the ball or he doesn't. Either Bo Jackson is on your team or he isn't. But a few games deserve an honorable mention. (Dodgeball, World Cup, Fifa Soccer, NCAA Football, NBA Jam, NFL Blitz) Snow Football does not share any problems that older football games have.

Any game that a 10-year old girl can beat me at. (Wii sports)


Rebekah said...

I think you've compiled a great list. I would put MarioKart at the top because, like you said, it is the most fun game ever invented. I still love playing it. I think I was introduced to it by you, many years ago in King Henry. Thanks for that. Also, I think Civilization for sure needs a spot in the top ten, but I think that Colonization needs one too. That game was awesome. Are you not distinguishing between computer games and other games like X Box and Nintendo? Just wondering. Also, I think that Castles II belongs on the list. I would like to say that i HATE warcraft. That game has stolen many hours, probably days, of time that I wanted to spend with certain people that they spent on that stupid game instead. I hate that game. Also, I hate Halo because it makes me sick. I do feel like maybe I could get into it eventually, but right now I hate it. And please don't rip on guitar hero. That game rocks.

Travieso said...

Ok, so you know what i am going to say. Super Bomber man needs to be somewhere on this list. And as long as you are mentioning sports games, super techmo bowl should have gotten a shout out too.

Whose academic career did you see destroyed by Starcraft? Oh wait, last time I checked I wasn't going to med school in Manhattan.... Did you know starcraft 2 is coming out soon. I want to avoid that game like the plague, but don't know if I'll be able to. Good thing I'm getting all of my classwork out of the way now, eh?

miles said...

Super Bomber Man...yeah that's a pretty fun game. (I recently downloaded it from Xbox Live Arcade.) But I wouldn't put it above any of the games on my list. I did give Tecmo Bowl a shout out... "Either you have Bo Jackson or you don't." As far as Starcraft 2 goes...we're all in this together, man.

miles said...

Check out this link to see my qualms with Tecmo Bowl.
