Monday, May 11, 2009


In my opinion, the best sports announcers are the ones that DON'T leave an impression on you. You should remember the game, not the announcer. Here are a few announcers that have left an impression on me.

John Madden -- I think I've whined about him enough that most peope who know me know that I'm not a fan of John Madden, a.k.a. Captain Obvious.

"Now, what you gotta do is put more points on the board than the other guy. And the way you do that is BOOM! put it in the endzone!"

Bill Walton -- My least favorite announcer of all time is, hands down, Bill Walton. Every word that goober utters is like another tap on the hammer driving a nail into my brain. My IQ has temporarily fallen each time I've watched a game he's announced.

Dick Vitale -- I actually don't mind Dickie V, baby. At least he's enthusiastic about his work. It would sure get exhausting listening to him for more than a few hours a season, though.

Charles Barkley -- Believe it or not, I actually like Sir Charles. He doesn't take himself too seriously (in contrast to Bill Walton). Every now and then he says something pretty funny.

"Yao Ming makes Sean Bradley look like Bill Russell."

"I love Sam Cassell. He's a great guy. But he does look like E.T."

For more quotes, go to

Terry Bradshaw -- I wonder how much this guy gets paid to dress up in a suit and act like the court jester for pregame shows. He is not a smart man. But I don't hate him (in contrast to Bill Walton).


Rebekah said...

i like charles too, although sometimes he does bug. you know who else bugs? the gigantic women reporters - with broad shoulders. they didnt sleep around for their jobs, I'm sure, but they are still not suited for television.

Dave said...
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Dave said...

ah, come on, you don't like pam ward and her manly voice?

Tyler said...

I don't know who I hate more...Bill Walton or his son Luke Walton. Actually, I think it's Luke right now, he does play for the Lakers and all.