Sunday, April 19, 2009

Emphasis on the -Fi

I took a break from real life yesterday and watched some Star Wars. Don't get me wrong, I like Star Wars. As a kid I was even a little bit obsessed with Star Wars. But I realized yesterday that it just doesn't hold the magic it once did.

I also noticed that George Lucas should have hired a physicist to consult during the writing and filming of all 6 episodes.

Here are some things that bug me about Star Wars.

Sound in Space -- You wouldn't really be able to hear the screeching whoosh of TIE fighters and the blast of laser cannons. Sound travels through matter, not empty space.

Walking Around on an Asteroid -- Han Solo, Leia, and Chewbacca all grab oxygen masks and walk around in a cave (which *spoiler alert* turns out to be a creature) on an asteroid. Are you telling me that there is enough atmosphere on that asteroid to provide the warmth and air pressure they need to survive? I also noticed that the gravity seems pretty strong for an asteroid that size.

Buzz Droids and Wind Resistance -- R2 (R4?) finally vanquishes the buzz droid on Obi Wan's ship. The buzz droid falls and is swept off the wing as if some force was pushing it backwards. Even if it slipped off the ship, wouldn't its momentum carry it alongside the ship in the absence of atmosphere?

Darth Vader's Skill with the Blade -- The Jedi and Sith in the first 3 episodes are incredible swordsmen. They hop around like superninjas. Suddenly, in Episode 4, Obi Wan and Darth Vader seem pretty rusty.

0.5 Past Lightspeed -- Han brags about his ship, stating that it can do 0.5 past lightspeed. Then they make the jump to lightspeed and stars start streaking by. I don't know how it is in that galaxy far, far away, but here the closest star would take almost 3 years to reach at 1.5 times the speed of light.

Samuel L. Jackson -- Samuel L. Jackson

Jar Jar Binks -- Jar Jar Binks

Stormbloopers -- Stormtroopers are the quintessential action movie bad guys. They are total idiots and terrible shots. They shoot at our heroes all day and hit nothing. Then Princess Leia whips around and cracks off a running hip shot that nails a stormtrooper square in the chest. And what is that ridiculous armor for, anyway? They can't run very well, and it doesn't protect them. Lazers go right through it. Ewoks take them out with blunt arrows and stone hatchets, for crying out loud!

Anakin and Padme (the Actors) -- Say what you will about the dialogue. (How do you say, "Traveling through hyperspace ain't like dusting crops, boy! Without precise calculations we could fly right through a star, or bounce too close to a supernova and that'd end your trip real quick, wouldn't it?" without laughing?) I know it's got to be tough to work with, but Harrison Ford, Mark Hamil, and Carey Fisher pulled it off. These new guys were terrible. In a monotone voice he says, "If you are suffering as much as I am, please tell me."


celeste said...

Nice call on the buzz droids. I hadn't thought of that one. Once an object is in motion it will continue in that motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

I just wanted to show off my amazing physics knowledge...

celeste said...

Oh, and Rebekah, I'm counting on you commenting on the nerdiness of this blog and my comment...

It's just too bad my nerdiness and knowledge of physics doesn't make me more money. According to the seminary movie we watched in church today I make less that someone who only has an associates degree. And yes, we watched a seminary movie for combined Elders Quorum/Relief Society.

NanRomn said...

I agree with great enthusiasm with almost everything you said. Here are the exceptions(in order of importance): 1) Hockey is for people with an IQ of 70 or less and should be banned from TV along with golf, bowling, NASCAR, and diaper changing. 2) Some reality TV is good (The Amazing Race, and Survivor). 3)John Madden has enthusiasm.

Additional comment: to be rendered unconscious or dead by an Ewok, is the height of shame and so distasteful that it should never have been filmed.