Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Gamers More Fit

This is an excerpt from an article published by MSNBC.

"Still, [video game] players scored well on physical health compared to the rest of the nation. They reported exercising vigorously once or twice a week, as opposed to 62 percent of American adults who don't exercise for more than 10 minutes at any time.
"Players were also 10 percent leaner than the average American, according to their height and weight reports. Williams and his colleagues used the same self-report questions used in common national health surveys. "

"Video gamers are suprisingly fit, says study"


I have a few hypotheses that I believe collectively explain the results of the study.

1. Video gamers are doers rather than watchers. So this is a big in your face to all you people that sit around watching TV and movies and then criticize video games for turning America's youth into couch potatoes.

2. Video gamers are mostly young males who make up the most physically fit demographic in America anyway.

3. The gamers that responded to the survey lied. They were all Everquest players who live in a fantasy world for 1/7 of their lives. So they obviously like being someone who they're not.


Rebekah said...

i wish i could post a picture as a comment. since i cant, i'll give you the link. this is what i think of video gamers. except for mario karters.


also, i think your reason #3 was pretty funny.

NanRomn said...

Number 2. Nuff said.

Elder James Romney said...

I place the credit squarely on the Wii.

Jacob Romney said...

I bet all three of those reasons are factors. You gotta scope out the lurking variables. Like when mom always says 90% of car accidents happen within 5 minutes of home. Well duh because 90% of the time you're driving you're within 5 minutes of home.

NanRomn said...

Actually, I believe that was half of all accidents occur within 25 miles of home.