Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Teeter Totter Effect

Why is it that societies roll from one extreme to the other? Why is it that there is such a profound difference between what is "politically correct" and what is correct? I would like to propose a theory and, with it, coin a new phrase--"the teeter totter effect."

Here are some examples of the teeter totter effect.

Oppressed women that don't speak unless spoken to, can't own property, and are not permitted to vote
Man-hating feminists that claim women are superior, refuse to shave their legs, and aspire to take over the world

Men have the right to treat animals however they want
Animals have more rights than people

Minorities are inferior to white people
Minorities should be given preference when competing for positions in employment or academics

Activists find something that is wrong with the world and dedicate themselves to fixing the problem. Unfortunately, many activists become so passionate about their cause that their priorities get mixed up. They push their agenda so hard that they begin to advocate the opposite extreme on the spectrum. The result is a sociopolitical movement that overshoots the correct approach to the subject. And so society teeter totters between one extreme and another.

1 comment:

Jen R. said...

I should have married a black woman...we'd be set :)