Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Excessive Use of the Word "Racist"

There are few words in the English language more commonly misused than "racism" and its derivatives. While working at a residential treatment center for "at-risk" youth (quite the euphemism), I was often accused of being a racist when I had to discipline the patients. My actions had nothing to do with their race and everything to do with their breaking of the rules. I found it particularly amusing when I was accused of being "racist" by members of my own race when they received infractions for breaking rules. "Racism" has become a buzzword and is currently used (usually abused) to evoke powerful emotions. It amazes me that people so often forget the most important part of the word--RACE! Racism is prejudice or discrimination BASED ON RACE! One cannot be racist against the mentally handicapped, women, Muslims, Catholics, the poor, fat people, stupid people, goths, jocks, nerds, etc, because those are not races. If you want to say that an individual is PREJUDICED against the poor or Muslims or whatever (and you're sure you want to make that accusation) then go right ahead. But please, America, let's stop using the word "racist" to describe prejudice against groups other than races. If you really hate the word "prejudice" so badly, then attach your beloved "-ist" to the correct root word. If they think men are better than women, they're sexist. If they think tennis players are better than hockey players, call them "sportist." (You won't sound any less intelligent than you will if you call them racist.) If they think that people who use the term "racist" appropriately are better than those who don't, call them "correct."
I would also like to address the concept of "reverse racism." Whoever coined that term was a fool and so is anyone that continues to employ it. Members of minority races can be racists just as easily as members of the majority race. They are prejudiced against someone based on their race. It is not reverse racism, it is simply racism. Literally, reverse racism ought to refer to someone thinking that the race in question is superior to their own. Think about it. Racism in reverse.
Finally, if you are receiving an infraction because you didn't make your bed, or if you are getting arrested because you were selling crack, or if you didn't get hired because you are not qualified for the job, stop blaming it on racism and call it what it is--fair.
Disclaimer: This is not to say that racism is never a factor in arrests, hiring, or infractions. I'm only saying that people should stop jumping to conclusions so quickly in order to avoid responsibility for poor decisions.


Rebekah said...

you know what other word we over-use? hot. we should stop calling so many people hot. really, there aren't that many. so we should use it sparingly.

Kam said...

miles, just came across the blog. love it. i have a lot of reading to catch up on but i am glad i know have the opportunity to read all your rants and raves. hope you and celeste are well.

miles said...

hey kambria! glad you came across my rants and raves. everything's great here. hope things are going well for you, too.