Recently, after reading part of an article on the evolution of mankind, I yielded to the temptation to read the comments. If a user decides to comment, it's usually because he or she feels very strongly about the subject. And so passionate, biased comments were made on both sides. I was extremely frustrated by a comment made by an advocate for creationism. Her "proof" against evolution (and her tone implied that she believed she had discovered indisputable evidence that would forever define the argument) was "then how come people aren't evolving into other animals and how come more animals aren't turning into people?"
My hand reflexively shot up to strike my forehead. Why does this lady have to be on my team? You cannot contribute to a discussion if you don't have some understanding of both sides of the argument! Fortunately, there are plenty of idiots playing for the evolutionists, too.
But is this really a question that can be answered intellectually? There are brilliant people on both sides of the argument and there are ignoramouses on both sides of the argument.
This is how I see it. God created all of us and God loves all of us. He loves the smart ones and He loves the not-so-smart ones. He did not set life up to be a puzzle--as if everyone who is smart enough will figure out that God lives, and everyone too stupid to figure that out will burn in Hell. What a ridiculous concept! No, it's a matter of faith. If we are willing to listen to the Spirit, we will receive a testimony of Christ--whether we are smart or not. And because it is so important to our spiritual progression that we learn to listen to the Spirit, God set things up so that religion cannot be proven intellectually. If you don't believe me, read the Bible. Paul teaches that we must learn spiritual things spiritually and not by the wisdom of man. Does this mean that we should spurn science? Absolutely not. It just means that the existence of God will not be proven scientifically until God decides it is time. If science and religion do not seem to mesh, then either the scientists got it wrong (which the scientists themselves will tell you happens all the time) or we didn't understand revealed truth. A belief in God does not disprove evolution and belief in evolution does not disprove the existence of God. Learn what you can about both.
As for those of you that still insist on arguing, here's my advice: If you failed remedial 8th grade science, pipe down and let the smart ones handle it.
1 comment:
I hate stupid people. And I hate stupid opinionated people even more.
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